ACU-CAT: A Guide to Feline Acupressure

Binding:Perfect Bind

ACU-CAT: A Guide to Feline Acupressure

This is perfect for cat guardians, healthcare providers, and anyone who loves cats! Use this manual to learn the art of acupressure for cats.

This 220+ page cat acupressure book gives you anatomically detailed charts, photographs. Two different acupressure session protocols for cats are provided. Also there is an in-depth discussion of how to apply Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts. Lastly, Acu-Cat includes photos and explanations of two hands-on acupressure techniques.

You will learn:

  • The full protocol for conducting an acupressure session
  • The flow and attributes of all 12 Major Meridians and the two Extraordinary Vessels
  • Key acupressure points, including their functions, attributes, and locations
  • The protocol for conducting a complete acupressure session of assessment, opening, point work
  • Lastly, you'll learn Chinese medicine concepts and theories, and much more

Additionally, Acu-Cat: A Guide to Feline Acupressure has over 30 common specific feline condition charts you can follow to help your cat. There are acupressure charts with points to help resolve fear issues, cat constipation, joint problems, arthritis, ear infections, anxiety, shoulder soreness, respiratory illness, and much more!

Join the thousands of cat lovers who are now using feline acupressure to support their cat's health - it's in your own hands! 

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